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Coming up
A very special Thank You...
Micro Scooters
We are delighted to have received a donation of scooter accessories from Micro Scooters towards our school summer raffle.
Renowned for revolutionising the school run with iconic 3 wheel scooters. Micro make getting from A-B quicker, cleaner, greener, healthier and more fun.
Thank you.
Local businesses
Within the Ivy Chimneys Primary School community we receive some wonderful support from local business sponsors.
Thank you to Montagues Property in Epping.
With special thanks to AMX Print in Thornwood.
Both local businesses support the school and the Friends on every FoICS event we do. Thank you.
Local community
Thank you for your continued support from many local businesses. To name a few:
Tesco Epping
Church's Butchers of Epping
ICE Events Epping
SCL Construction Epping
Waitrose Buckhurst Hill
& many more local businesses who support our school FoICS fundraising events.
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